Monday, November 10, 2008

Quick, Inexpensive and Easy Christmas Gift

Bookmark Tutorial
(I hope this makes sense. Please feel free to comment with any questions that you might have)

Step 1: gather supplies

Step 2: Cut the elastic to 22"

Step 3: Using a small piece of wire bend to make a threader, side it through the bead and pull the elastic through the bead. Repeat on the other side. You should now have 2 beads on each end of your elastic.

Step 4: Now pull opposite ends of elastic back through the beads forming a loop. knot the ends and you're finished.

Step 5: Cut a piece of wire about 6" and loop over the finished bookmark

Step 6: Attach a crimp bead to secure. Begin stringing beads in desired pattern. Be sure to tuck the stray end into the beads to hide.

Step 7: After attaching end bead, string a crimp bead and one final bead, bend wire around and thread the end back through the crimp bead and adjacent beads to hide the end (you may need to trim the wire down at this point). Holding the beads tightly together smash the crimp bead to secure.

That's it! The perfect homemade gift for all the people on your list who love to read.

4 fabulous comments:

Tami said...

That's really cute! I'm gonna have to make some of those for next year since I wanted to do a Christmas book and bookmark for each family. Thanks for the idea!

Karen Liu said...

Oooh, I love this! You should totally make me one!!! :)

Rebecca said...

The book marks are great! Another clever idea! I love the one you made for me! Also, I'm on hold for "Twice Upon a Merigold" at the library . . . can't wait to read it!

Andrea said...

Just made this with Abbi. She loves it and it is already in her scriptures!