Monday, July 13, 2009

This too shall pass...

Remember this comic I posted awhile back? Well, today was one of "those" days.

The kids were loud, messy, fighting, rowdy, bored, hyper, restless, hungry, laughing, crying, yelling, teasing, hitting, whining etc. Sounds like any normal day at our house, but for some reason it seemed so much worse today thanks to a lovely little infection that I've developed. My poor baby is fussy today (thanks to the above mentioned infection) and not napping well (thanks to the above mentioned rowdy brothers) and my house is a disaster (sigh). Well, tomorrow is a new day let's hope its a better one!

3 fabulous comments:

Andrea said...

Sounds like you had a rough day. I am sure Adam would be more than willing to come back and keep the boys entertained- he said he already felt like he lived there. Hopefully today will be a better day.

Rebecca said...

Oh, I feel your pain. Sounds like you have things under control and can get rid of that awful infection! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. We had such a great visit - we miss you guys so much!

Rebecca said...

BTW . . . I love the new background on your blog!