Thursday, January 13, 2011

little birdie....

Finally got a little crafting done. My friend (hi Tami) asked me to cut some wood for her and when she brought this little bird pattern over, I knew that I wanted to make one too. So, I cut one for each of us. Here is my little birdie. I added the long legs and I drew and cut some feet for her so she could stand on my bookcase. I made a template for the flourish on her little body using my silhouette. I just lightly traced it onto the wood and hand painted it.

So fun! And I even have a few more projects waiting in the "wings". (Get it?!)

3 fabulous comments:

Tami said...

Oh my gosh! It's adorable! I love the flourish you added...and the feet! Too cute! Thanks again for cutting the birdie for me, and I'm glad you got something out of it too :)

Andrea said...

So so so cute! Are you totally loving your silhouette? Not sure if Mom even got hers out of the box yet? Mom, is it out of the box?

Rebecca said...

No . . . sad to say it is not out of the box yet! I'm waiting for my girls to come over and have a play day with me. Anything that has to be hooked up to the computer stresses me out a little!

I'm lovin' this little bird. Send me over the pattern so I can have one too. And BTW, the scroll saw is still in the box, too. I know, I know, I can't wait to use it but I'm trying to find a table to put it on!