Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cute boys!

Today Ethan climbed up the cabinets and onto the counter. 
Mom:  How did you get up there?
Ethan: I used my Ninja skills....I have some you know.

Apparently I didn' I do!

The other day Brett was helping Austin study for his spelling test. 
Brett:  If you don't get 100% on your test, then don't bother coming home.
The next day Austin got in the car and said:
"Well, I got 100% on my test, so I guess I can bother coming home!

Thank goodness, we would have missed him!

2 fabulous comments:

Andrea Marshall said...

Ninja and spelling skills come in handy! You're lucky to have both.

Rebecca said...

This is hilarious - I love the boys!