Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reclaiming my home...

I have to laugh now when I look back on my last post about Friday the 13th. Yeah, the day started off rough, but it was nothing compared to what would happen later in the day. Rather than go into a lot of detail, our home was broken into while I was out running a couple of errands and I came home to find that my home had been ransacked. Thankfully, we are all physically OK. Emotionally I am taking that day by day and I am sure that in time all will be well. It is difficult, because we work so hard to make our homes sanctuaries, places that we can come as families to escape the evils and dangers of the world, and when that sacred place is invaded, it just doesn't feel like it should. I don't know if that makes sense, but needless to say, it has been difficult for me to view my home as I did before. I have had no desire to decorate and take pride in as I did prior (except I have cleaned like crazy, just something gross and disturbing about some stranger in your home touching all your personal stuff), but I am determined to get that back. The thief can't take everything from us can he? So with that, when things calm down, I have plans for a few projects, and yes, I will finish my spring runner. I will fall in love with my home again.

7 fabulous comments:

Rebecca said...

We are so sorry that this happened to you and your family. It's disgusting when evil people invade our sanctuaries. We work so hard to make our homes special and sacred places where we can escape from the world and feel safe.
But, don't let this situation keep you from enjoying your home. You always have it decorated so beautifully and I know how much you enjoy decorating it. Just try to get things back to normal as soon as possible. The spirit of love is still in your home and with your family. No one can take that away from you! You are in our prayers!

We love you!

Muriel said...

That is so scary! We had our van broken into while we were visiting Salt Lake a year or so ago. We were at church no less. I know exactly how you feel about your privacy being invaded. And it was difficult to know what to say to my kids when they asked why someone would steal from us. All the more reason to be a good example. You will reclaim you home back.

Unknown said...

I am so thankful you and Austin weren't home! Roxanne

Andrea said...

Melanie, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the exact same way when our home was broken into. It is hard to sit and think about how they must have touched everything and I too went through an entire cleaning frenzy. You feel very violated and to have that done to your home where you are supposed to feel the safest is very disheartening. I went through a period where I didn't want to go anywhere and I sat on the couch and looked out the window for a good portion of the day. Then I decided that I was being robbed of more than just my money and possessions. It was hard and took some adjusting but I eventually got back to a normal routine. I know you will do the same. Don't let them take away your love of crafting and decorating. You will get through.

keri said...

I am so sorry to hear about your break in. I love your cute ideas and was wondering if you could email the format for the family proclamation you did. I LOVE it.
you can email me at
Thanks Keri

The Moore Family said...

I found your blog and love all your cute ideas. I really love what you did with the family proclamation and would love to do it also. Could you send me the info at

Mrs. Whitney's Classroom said...

That stupid teenager! Don't let him steal from you what you love and value the most- your love for your home. A vacation will sounds much needed... BTW- we will all be up at the cabin over Easter!! Let's plan some things for the kids to do- like die-ing easter eggs, etc...